How To... A Webcomic Created By John Disko

About Me


Here are the comics I read on a daily basis, regardless of whether or not they have updated them, i still read them anyway... because i have no life. but you knew that because youre reading my webcomic!

Strongbad Emails

8-bit theater

Diesel Sweeties

Little Gamers


Penny Arcade

Movie Comics

Here are all of the people that have responded to my posts on the Keenspace Forums or have traded links with me... or i just like them!

Nishichi 27

Spare Change
by Warren

Stick Man Stick Man

Post Sex Clean Up


Road From Nohwere

The Mansion Of E



Station V-3


Matt and Theo

Red Lexi

when i find some interesting places to be that arent in my ABOUT ME page, then i will link them here.

The Flick Filosopher
is a great place to read about new movies and new video releases.

The Drink Of Gods! I import this stuff to california because all we have is Jones

How To... is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.